Home Remedies for Red Ant Bites

If you or your family members got bitten by a red ant or fire ant, immediately apply home remedies for ant bites.

What home remedies for red ant bites or red fire ant bites can you do as a first aid treatment?

If you or your family members got bitten by a red ant or fire ant, immediately apply home remedies for ant bites.

Wash the area bitten by red ants

This must always be the first thing to do when bitten by fire ants or any insect. Wash the area with soap and clean water, warm water is preferred.

Although washing the bite with just water may not so effective since some ant toxins are 95 percent non-water soluble, hygiene before applying any cream or topical solutions to the bite will reduce chances of infection.

Ice cube to stop itching from red ant bite

The application of an ice cube or ice pack reduces itching as well as pain.The ice can gradually numb the skin and stop the itching sensation as well as the pain and swelling.

Apply herbal oil to ant bites

USDA grade peppermint oil as well as USDA grade lavender oil when applied repeatedly to the bite area can surprisingly reduce the discomfort and pain.

Take antihistamine to reduce swelling and allergy

An antihistamine like Benadryl can effectively prevent swelling and development of allergic reactions.

Massage and don’t scratch the ant bite area

Vigorous massaging can also be done instead of scratching since this action may cause bleeding of the bite area and eventually development of infection. The venom may even spread to areas not bitten by the ant.

Other home remedies for fire ant bite

Other home remedies for red ant bites are the use of Worcestershire sauce which is saturated to a paper towel after covering the bite with paper towel and hot water.

A penny can be secured on each welt by taping it with scotch tape, providing immediate relief by eliminating the welt within a few hours.

A combination of bleach and water may also be used and should be followed by a mixture of white toothpaste, baking soda and peroxide.

The juice of a fresh lime cut open can be rubbed on the target red ant bite area in multiple directions until the burning sensation and itching caused by the ant bite stops.The saturated are of lime and lime juice is also effective in preventing pustules and scabs while suppressing any scar formation.

The alternate application of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide using two rags, paper towels or cotton balls can neutralize any venom that comes with the bite.

Ammonia alone can even do the trick.

The bitten area can also be soaked in a tub of warm water to which three cups of 20 Mule Team Borax has been mixed. Borax is considered a mineral boron which can release the venom from the bite after taking the mineral bath.

Other substances which can be applied and serve as home remedies for red ant bites are topical steroid cream such as 0.25 percent or stronger hydrocortisone cream, meat tenderizer and water, alcohol, vinegar, salt, crushed aspirin, aloe jell, tea tree oil, peroxide, liquid dish washing soap, and freshly cut onion.

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